Natural ways to prevent postpartum hemorrhage, including her-baby interaction

How to Prevent Postpartum Hemorrhage Naturally

Postpartum hemorrhage is rare in physiological birth, but it remains a concern for many planning a home birth. This free three-part guide unpacks what postpartum hemorrhage actually is (hint: it’s not just about how many ounces of blood you may lose) and how to help prevent and reduce it in a truly holistic way. It goes over nutrition, herbal support, homeopathics, birth physiology, and birth environment—so, dive in!

How to understand postpartum hemorrhage holistically

Postpartum Hemorrhage: a Holistic Take on Causes & Risks

Postpartum hemorrhage is rare in physiological birth, but it remains a concern for many planning a home birth. This free three-part guide unpacks what postpartum hemorrhage actually is (hint: it’s not just about how many ounces of blood you may lose) and how to help prevent and reduce it in a truly holistic way. It goes over nutrition, herbal support, homeopathics, birth physiology, and birth environment—so, dive in!

Echinacea safety in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Echinacea Benefits and Safety in Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

Echinacea is among the most commonly used herbs in pregnancy and breastfeeding. It has a rich history of traditional use as an immune tonic. Often recommended by midwives and herbalists but cautioned against by doctors, women are left confused about its safety. Read on to uncover the complete evidence and decide for yourself.


The Hidden History of Obstetrics (& How It Affects You Today)

Modern obstetrics tends to be presented in a romantic light. It serves the narrative that technology and medicalization have somehow advanced pregnancy and birth and that they’re here to “save you and your baby.” This is far from the truth. The real history of obstetrics reveals a deep mistrust of the female body and a desire of medicine men to control the birth process (and be the ones to “deliver” your baby).

Pregnancy diet and nutrients in the first trimster

First Trimester Nutrition & Foods You Should Eat

It’s hard to make a list of the most important first trimester nutrients because eating a healthy wholesome diet matters so much throughout pregnancy. Still, some nutrients are more specific to what’s going on in the first trimester: your baby develops its complete nervous system and some vital organs. Your uterus grows, and your placenta fully forms.

This post breaks down the roles of some “famous” and some less known nutrients, along with a list of the most nutrient-dense foods you may want to add to your diet in the first trimester.

Pitocin dangers your doctor may not mention

The Risks of Pitocin Your Doctor Is Unlikely to Mention

Pitocin is a synthetic form of oxytocin, your natural “love and bonding” hormone. Doctors recommend Pitocin in 40% of pregnancies for artificially “starting” labor. The manufacturer of Pitocin advises against using it for the elective induction of labor due to a lack of safety data. What can explain these opposing recommendations? And how does Pitocin interfere with natural birth? Read on to find out what your doctor might be hesitant to talk about.

Chamomile tea for babies and children

Chamomile Tea for Babies & Children Safety, Benefits, Recipe

Chamomile is often described as a gentle herb that even colicky babies might benefit from. This post goes over the evidence behind the possible benefits of chamomile tea for babies and children. Plus, I included some interesting cultural references and tips on how to make chamomile tea for your little one. Let’s dive in…

Chamomile Tea Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Safety

Chamomile Tea Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Safety + Benefits

Chamomile is among the most commonly used herbs in pregnancy. Women take chamomile to relax and soothe gut discomfort. It’s also added to herbal mixtures for breastfeeding support. Loved by herbalists and midwives and warned against by some doctors, is chamomile safe? Read on to understand the bigger picture.

Maca Root Benefits for Women

11 Maca Root Benefits for Women + Dosage

It’s as if wherever you look, people are going on and on about maca’s hormone-balancing and libido-boosting benefits.

Is any of it true? 

In this post, I’ll analyze the complete scientific and traditional knowledge on maca root for women’s health to help you understand the evidence behind its use amid the hype.